
    Jay Lumbert hits the bull’s-eye with this one.

    WOW. Move over Patterson, Ludlum, Cussler, Clancy and Brown. Make room at the top of the heap for Jay Lumbert.

    In this explosive mystery thriller Jay Lumbert puts himself at the head of the class of today’s top breed of storytellers. Intricate but quick. Deep but fun. Penetrating but light on the brain.

    This is a book you can take to the boardroom or to the beach.

    Take one part international intrigue, one part history, one part religion and one part science. Put them in a book, shake them together and you get The Alchemist Conspiracy. Throw in trillions of dollars, a quest for global domination and mankind on the brink of extinction and you will take a ride that will leave you breathless.

    Don’t miss this extraordinary tale. And don’t be surprised when you simply cannot put it down.